When the earth is the one who demands what you must sow in it, its fruits will be divine. This may seem like a biblical phrase, but it is the reality that Dovinto tells us today.

A 100% family company, committed to sustainable and sustainable agriculture, materializing the effort and research of many years, in a unique glass of wine.

Dovinto was never really in the plans of Jesús and Bertha María, after getting married and working for some years, they had “a piece of land” on the edge of the road to Santo Tomás, at kilometer 77. With the respective studies to determine the vocation of the soil in hand, the most feasible thing to do was to plant grapevines. That is how they decided to design a plan around vineyards.

The project became more and more enthusiastic and took on great character as they envisioned great things. Little by little they acquired more land to make it possible so that the neighboring lands would not interfere with their plantations. This is called buffer zones, i.e., free spaces in order to protect their plants from neighboring pests, fires, etc. Today, they have 40 hectares planted with vines and in the future, they are looking to double this figure.

Jesús Sesma, an oceanologist with a specialty in biology and more than 20 years of experience running an aquaculture and fishing laboratory, knew he wanted to take his project to the next level. He researched and hired experts to create differentiated wines from agriculture.

They have a mother vineyard that is the base for the other plantations on the land and an agriculture that goes beyond organic: biological induction. This is a process designed for their project, since in their biofactory they produce biofungicides, biofertilizers and biopesticides that are used to nourish and keep their plants healthy.

With a minimally intervened vinification, with a lot of passion and science behind, they let nature do its thing.

An incredible project, we have a lot to tell you about, wait for the continuation of this review in the next parts.

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We believe in natural, organic, sustainable and sustainable viticulture, without corrections or additives. The result is high quality wine with lots of beneficial bioelements.


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